Lokalizace: ENG
Popis: 2 aplikácie pre prezeranie, zdielanie a prenášanie súborov z mobilu do PC cez internet
Minimální konfigurace: OS Android 2.x
Rok vydání: 2011
Ochrany: Crack aplikován
Torrent obsahuje 2 aplikacie:
WiFi File Explorer PRO_1.4.4
WiFi File Transfer Pro_0.9.7
Aplikacia je velmi jednoducha, spustite je a ona vam vygeneruje IP adresu s portom na ktoru sa môžte pripojiť cez hocijaký webovy prehliadač
1. Using a web browser, you can browse and download all the files on your Android device without the need for a cable. Download entire directories with one click which no other similar app offers;
2. View all the camera pictures and videos or listen to all the music on your Android device streamed directly in a web browser. Use shortcut tabs to quickly view ‘All Music’, ‘All Pictures’ and ‘All Videos’ stored on your device, no matter which directory they are in;
3. Use the one of a kind gallery viewer to create a slide show of all your camera pictures directly from your Android device. Simply click on a picture’s file name to launch the gallery viewer and then hit the play button to enjoy all your pictures in the web browser;
4. Search box so that you can find any file on your Android device;
5. Select between thumbnail and detail views to choose the best method to quickly browse your files. Thumbnails are supported for both pictures AND videos!
6. Upgrade to the PRO version to perform multiple file uploads/download do full backups, stream media playlists, create new directories, delete/rename/copy/zip/unzip files and auto-install apps saved on your device,
7. Runs as a service in the background so you can use other apps while you are making transfers;
8. Simple to use with no set up or buttons – it just works!
9. Password protected to prevent unwanted access;
10. Ability to configure the port settings;
11. Full support for special characters in file names which competitor apps do not support;
12. Visual indicators and stats of how much free space is on your Android device as well as real-time indicators of how much battery and WiFi signal you currently have;
13. Send an email to the web link from the app for easy connection;
14. Special “Development Goodies” mode to enable SSL protection – email developer for details!